Fixing Tips

Can a Car Run Without a Battery? The Answer To This Question Is Not As Simple As It Seems

Most people know that cars need fuel to run, but did you know they also need a battery? The battery gives the necessary energy to start the car and sustain its charge. But when is it time for a new battery? What are some signs that your battery is on its last leg? And what is the reason for this to happen? This article will answer all of these questions and provide you with information on how to find an auto mechanic near you!


How cars work

In a vehicle, there is a transference of power from the battery to the wheels. When the battery is charged , this transfer will decrease and ultimately stop. Once the battery depletes to a point where it cannot hold the voltage necessary for starting the car, the car will not start. In the past, many people went to the repair shop to have the battery replaced when this happened, but nowadays, the car mechanic actually tells the owner that the battery will need to be replaced when it is time.

Before it stops working, however, the battery may be able to go another few hundred miles. At this point, it is most likely that there are damage to the battery itself, such as broken wires, that are not detectable until the battery dies.


Signs of a dying battery

It’s probably not news to you that the average car battery will last between three and six years. This means that some cars might have batteries that can be considered “newer” than others. However, if you have been having trouble starting your car on cold days or when it’s getting really cold outside, you may need to get a new battery. The auto technician in our video will explain all of the symptoms that indicate you need to get a new battery installed. He also demonstrates how to test your battery to check its current level.


What are the different types of batteries?

There are three different types of batteries: lead acid, nickel-cadmium, and lithium ion. They all work in the same way and must be replaced when they become degraded and no longer provide the necessary power. Here’s a quick run down of each:

Lead Acid Battery: The battery comes in a 3-volt rating that changes as the battery ages. It’s easily identified by the type of battery. On the vehicle, the light on top of the charging port is turned on. On other vehicles, the vehicle batteries may be labelled with “RCH-7S”. An important thing to note is that the “RCH-7S” battery is not the same as the “2S-7S” in a car.

Nickel Cadmium Battery: The battery is rated from 2 to 7 volts, depending on the amount of weight the battery can hold. The light on top of the charger port is on.


When is the right time to replace your battery?

The response to this issue depends on a diversity of many factors. The initial recharge of a battery may require multiple charge cycles. Batteries can last 5 to 10 years or more, but the average car battery has a shelf life of about 3 to 5 years. An increase in battery temperature may negatively impact its lifespan. Batteries last longer when properly maintained.



By studying this article, you will discover more regarding what to look for while buying a new battery. You will be able to recognize a healthy battery, and once you do, you will be able to buy a new one at an authorized retailer or online. Most importantly, you will be better equipped to determine what’s wrong with your battery and take the necessary steps to ensure it does not die.